Sunday, March 20, 2011

11 ways to beat a headache

Knowing what type of headache you suffer from and its cause is crucial in avoiding future ones. One of the most effective ways in doing so is to keep a log of when your headaches occur and what you ingested or were exposed to in the preceding two hours. Some find that caffeine consumption causes a sharp painful headache while a lack thereof may also be a trigger. Cleaning with certain chemicals, smoking, or eating certain foods may also trigger headaches so it's very important to be aware of your body and its sensitivities. Other factors that come in to play may be stress, excessive light, dehydration, constipation, sinus congestion, sleep deprivation, menstruation, weather changes, blood sugar levels, & blood pressure.

1. Drink water
The first thing you should do if you get a headache is to rehydrate yourself. Many of us are already susceptible to rehydration because we drink coffee, soda, and eat excessive amounts of salty foods. Water is the source of all life so make sure to be receiving plenty.

2. Take a nap
With the action packed lifestyles that so many live, we often overlook the importance of a good nights rest. If you are able to do so, take a 90 minute long nap for best maximum benefit. 90 minutes because on average the human sleep cycle is 90-110 minutes.

3. Meditate
Meditation is my favorite solution to everything. Meditating

3. Steam inhalation
If you have sinus congestion this may be the trick. You can do this by taking a hot shower or if you prefer to stay dry, close all of the windows and door and crank the knob in the shower all the way up. This may also work for non-sinus related headaches as it has many times for me. I attribute this to the relaxing effect it has on the body.

4. Have some tea
Tea is a wonderful way to relax and may also supply the caffeine you need to beat that migraine.

Chamomile tea is known to have calming effects on the body and is an excellent aid in combating stress and anxiety.

Lemon, ginger, and honey tea is a recipe which has been used in Indian medicine for thousands of years as a healing agent to numerous ailments as well as a treatment for headaches. To make a lemon, ginger, and honey tea simply slice up some fresh ginger, squeeze half a lemon, and add a teaspoon of raw honey into a cup of boiling water.

In Chinese medicine, it is said that headaches are linked to problems in the stomach. Peppermint tea is often used to relax the stomach and by doing so fights the headache into submission.

Ginkgo is said to increase blood flow to the brain, increasing oxygen levels and preventing hypoxia to brain tissue. It is also believed to
stimulate the release of norepinephrine: a neurotransmitter that may contribute to headaches when its levels decrease. It is best to avoid anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen as the combination may cause adverse effects and result in thinning the blood which may increase the chance of bleeding.

5. Place a warm, wet washcloth on your head
When suffering from a headache, we often unconsciously clench the muscles in our face. This is an excellent way to help those muscles relax.